Environmental protection products

Environmental protection products are used in case of spills of chemical, corrosive, flammable and environmentally hazardous solutions, and people at the site of the accident must be able to immediately answer the following questions:
  • What does the spill consist of?
  • How can the spread of the solution be stopped?
  • How can the spill be neutralized?
  • How can the spill be decontaminated?
  • How can people at the site of the accident be protected?
  • How can harm to the surrounding environment be prevented?
  • How should the reactions and pollutants that may arise be dealt with?
Traditional absorbents trap and limit the spread of the spill but have no effect on the chemical itself, which makes decontamination work extra hazardous as the chemical is still active. The decontamination of a spill can, likewise, sometimes be hazardous, as the contents of the spill are not always known.


Trivorex ® works in three steps

1. Traps and limits the extent of the spill.
2. Neutralizes the active parts of the spill.
3. Absorbs the spill, in doing so simplifying its clearance.

In order to facilitate neutralization, Trivorex ® has a built-in pH indicator, which means that when Trivorex ® is used the powder changes colour based on the pH of the chemical: red for acids and blue for bases. When the spill has been neutralized, the powder will change to a yellow/green colour.

Polycaptor ®

Since slip accidents are the most common type of accident in the industry, we have an absorbent especially effective for oils, paints, polymers, surfactants and flocking products. Common to these is that they provide a slippery floor and are difficult to absorb. After Polycaptor ®, the substrate is dry compared to other products on the market that leave a greasy and slippery surface. In the event of a spill, you never have to doubt whether Polycaptor® is right. Polycaptor ® works effectively on all types of chemical waste.


Safurex ®

Neutralizing decontamination liquid with pH indicator for all common types of chemical spills. Used for decontamination of aggressive chemicals on floors / walls, plant and protective clothing. Used by several rescue services around Europe for decontamination of chemical protective suits after use.

Safurex ® is used to advantage in combination with Trivorex ® .

Safurex ® is classified as non-harmful to humans and the environment.





Quick facts Trivorex ®  

– Environmentally friendly, CE-marked.

– For decontamination of all types of liquid chemical spills.

– Encapsulates the harsh chemical, rendering it harmless.

– Built-in pH indicator to easily determine which type of chemical is involved and when the spill has been adequately neutralised.


Tel: 0157-131 31




Environmental products are available in different packagings in order to suit your specific work environment.



Our webshop is currently only available in Swedish:


Decontamination fluids




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Safurex MSDS - Material Safety Data SheetDownload


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Trivorex AnvändarinstruktionLadda ner
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Trivorex / Safurex Download
Environmental ProtectionDownload
Trivorex User InstructionsDownload
Trivorex MSDS - Material Safety Data SheetDownload


Trivorex Product LeafletDownload
Trivorex SDB KäyttöturvallisuustiedoteDownload


Trivorex ProduktbladDownload
Trivorex SikkerhetsdatabladDownload


Trivorex ProduktbladDownload
Trivorex SDB SikkerhedsdatabladDownload


Polycaptor AnvändarinstruktionLadda ner
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Polycaptor SDB -SäkerhetsdatabladLadda ner


Polycaptor User Instructions Download
Polycaptor MSDS - Material Safety Data SheetDownload


Acicaptal SDB - SäkerhetsdatabladLadda ner
Basicaptal SDB - SäkerhetsdatabladLadda ner


Acicaptal MSDS - Material Safety Data SheetDownload
Acicaptal User InstructionsDownload
Basicaptal MSDS - Material Safety Data SheetDownload
Basicaptal User InstructionsDownload